Wild Flowers


Wild Flowers by ShaLee Hansen In the Highlands of Scotland in the 1300s, a time of war for independence and clan superiority, love blooms among the keeps of the McLean, Leslie, and McLaird clans. Jane McLaird and Alec McLean learn what it means to be truly cherished, protected, and loved. Though beautiful Jane may seem different with her delicate small frame and deformed foot, she will always be perfect to Alec, her one true love. Margret does not know how beautiful and desirable she is until Quinlan, the man of her dreams, tells her of her true beauty. Quinlan himself is unaware of his worth, having been a scarred man, until Margret shows him how to love. Young and innocent Heather McLean has been betrothed to Andrew Leslie before she has been born. A bit free-spirited, she has unknowingly shown that adult responsibilities don’t mean leaving one’s childhood dreams behind. With her love, Andrew learns that and so much more. Having to grow up far too early, he is prepared to teach his young bride a thing or two, but instead she has taught him some of life’s most important lessons.


SKU (ISBN): 9781434930514
ISBN10: 1434930513
Shalee Hansen
Binding: Trade Paper
Published: February 2014
Publisher: Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc.

Print On Demand Product


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