Women Of Courage


Gardens of Grace, a new series, presents compelling biographies of great women in the history of Christendom whose devotion to serving the Lord changed our world. In this first book, Women of Courage, the inspiring lives of 23 women display that God’s grace empowered them to endure trials and hardships, grow in faith and bear beautiful fruit for God’s kingdom.

*After an accident makes her a quadriplegic at age 15, God’s grace inspired Joni Earekson Tada to begin a worldwide Gospel ministry to the physcally challenged.

*Courage from her God enabled Corrie Ten Boom to hide Jews from the Nazis in the home she shared with her elderly father and sister Betsy.

*Faith transported Sojourner Truth from slave to freewoman and caused her to champion the causes of those still in bondage, both slaves and women.


SKU (ISBN): 9780882703459
ISBN10: 0882703455
Donna Kafer
Binding: Trade Paper
Published: July 2007
Garden Of Grace
Publisher: Bridge-Logos Publishers


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