Whose Are You
Home Of Love Publications
Join us as we travel back through the travail of millenniums to a galaxy far, far away. Witness the birth of darkness. Be there as our Liberator begins His counter-intuitive and radically irreligious war for universal dominion and each living souls’ allegiance. Discover the Spirit, the Way and the true story behind the veil of History. The vital messages contained within this riveting work will help enable you to walk through the valley of decision and perpetually surrender to the True Force of life. You will know Whose You Are and be shown the Way to eternal victory as your mind and heart are awakened to the well-hidden truth of what is really happening in and around you even as you read this sentence. There exists a deadly conspiracy, the magnitude of which is beyond unenlightened human comprehension, yet to the chosen – it has been revealed. “Many are called but few are chosen.” Matthew 22:14 NKJV Answers are available to these crucial questions: Have I been chosen? Why am I here? Who am I? Whose am I? Come with us and perhaps a clearer dawn will shine upon your own journey homeward.
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