When Gay Comes Home


When a person tells you they’re gay, what is your first reaction? How do you “see” them? What kind of “glasses” do you have on? Are you comfortably able to speak with confidence, using the right language, when this topic comes up? In When Gay Comes Home, you will learn about the redemptive power of God and it will guide you in how to put on your Jesus glasses, helping you to communicate in a loving and respectful way, thus building bridges instead of walls.

Study Guide Included. Recommended for parents, youth pastors, and teachers to educate and equip children from the age of nine and up. Also includes a section specifically developed for pastors.

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SKU (ISBN): 9781486615773
ISBN10: 1486615775
Wilna VanBeek
Binding: Trade Paper
Published: November 2017
Publisher: Word Alive Press


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