Twinkle Twinkle Little Star


Twinkle, twinkle, little star, you give the greatest gift by far!

This classic bedtime favorite is expanded into a darling rhyming story full of whimsy and fun. Each new verse encourages readers to follow their dreams and adds more fun to the already beloved favorite. The simplistic rhymes, unique art, and positive message is sure to make this a favorite bedtime read night after night.

About the Turn Without Tearing series: These interactive picture books use rich descriptive language, repetitive sounds, and bright illustrations to provide a perfect read-aloud experience. Made using a durable stone paper to prevent tearing as the pages are turned, these titles are designed to transition growing readers from board books to picture books with confidence.


SKU (ISBN): 9781486725571
ISBN10: 1486725570
Melissa Everett | Illustrator: Oksana Pasishnychenko
Binding: Cloth Text
Published: March 2023
Turn Without Tearing Read And Sing
Publisher: Flowerpot Press


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