Saints Inheritance


Saints’ Inheritance
–Purpose Of God Concerning The Earth?
–Special Promises Respecing The Earth
–The Promise Made To Abraham
–What Was The Nature Of The Abrahamic Promise?
–The Time For The Establisment Of The Kingdom
–The Thousand Years Of Rev. XX
–The Saints Will Go To Heaven
–Description Of The Kingdom

Additional Info
In The Saints’ Inheritance, early revivalist J N Loughborough studies what awaits the saints after the second coming-their inheritance. Many have supposed that the saints are to receive a literal kingdom with literal territory, but carefully read the Biblical evidence that brought Loughborough to the conclusion that it is to be the “kingdom, and dominion, and greatness of the kingdom under the whole heavens,” which the saints of God will ultimately inherit as their eternal abode.
Follow the evidence that has led Loughborough to the claim that the saints’ final reward is to be this earth redeemed from the curse, after the works of the Devil have been burned out of it, and when it stands as beautiful and glorious as when it came from the hands of its Creator, who pronounced it “Very good.”
As Dr. J. Cummings of England said, “We have got a notion as if there were something essentially impure and hopeless in what is material. But it is not so. Only exhaust from the earth the poison, sin – let the footfall of Him who made it be echoed from the hills and valleys once more, at dewy dawn, and at even tide, and this earth of ours will be instantly transformed into an orb, the like of which is not amid all the ofbs of the universe besides.”


SKU (ISBN): 9781572583030
ISBN10: 1572583037
J. N. Loughborough
Binding: Trade Paper
Published: January 2005
Publisher: TEACH Services, Inc.

Print On Demand Product


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