Practica El Camino – (Spanish)


El autor de Elimina la prisa de tu vida y Vivir sin mentiras, bestsellers del New York Times, muestra a sus lectores que los detiene de seguir autenticamente a Jesus, y revela las practicas contraculturales para conectarse con una fe vibrante de por vida.

Todos hemos experimentado partes no deseadas de nuestro camino espiritual: un distanciamiento de Dios, huecos en nuestro caracter, el miedo de que nuestra vida sea trivial y vacia.

Jesus nos llama hacia mas. Nos llama a actuar en semejanza suya. A experimentar su abundancia de vida. Pero, como podemos hacerlo de manera practica? Convirtiendonos en sus aprendices. Siguiendo el camino.

Al delinear el proceso atemporal de estar con Jesus, de volverse como el y de vivir como el lo hizo, el autor bestseller y voz pastoral John Mark Comer detalla la vision de Dios para el camino de nuestra alma. En su poderosa y practica obra, explica su filosofia central de formacion espiritual para ayudarnos a formar una “regla de vida”. Sobre la marcha, los lectores se benefician de su rico conocimiento cultural, su profundas enseanzas biblicas y su vision honesta y esperanzadora del potencial de cada alma humana.

Sienes que la vida es mas que esto? Tienes razon. Ahora ven a descubrir que tanta vida te espera.

The New York Times bestselling author of The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry and Live No Lies shows readers what is holding them back from authentically following Jesus-and reveals the counter cultural practices to connect us with a vibrant lifelong faith.

We all have experienced unwanted parts of our spiritual journey: distance from God, gaps in our character, the fear that our lives will be trivial and empty.

Jesus is calling us into more. Calling us to be shaped in his likeness. To experience his abundance of life. But how, practically, can we do that? By becoming his apprentice. By practicing the Way.

Outlining the timeless process of being with Jesus, becoming like him, and living as he did, bestselling author and pastoral voice John Mark Comer outlines God’s vision for the journey of our soul. In this powerful and practical work, he outlines his core philosophy of spiritual formation to help us form a “rule of life.” Along the way readers

benefit from his rich cultural insight, deep biblical teaching, and his honest and hopeful view of the potential of each human soul.

You feel like there’s more to life than this? You’re right. Now come discover just how much life awaits you.


SKU (ISBN): 9781644738382
ISBN10: 1644738384
Language: Spanish
John Comer
Binding: Trade Paper
Published: January 2024
Publisher: ORIGEN


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