Gods Word In Human Words


1. Epistemology And Hermeneutics
2. Historical Criticism And Assyriology
3. The Problem Of Biblical Criticism
4. “Traditional” Responses To Biblical Criticism
5. Constructive Responses To Biblical Criticism
6. The Genres Of Human Discourse
7. The Genres Of Divine Discourse
8. The Context Of The Whole And Biblical Interpretation
9. Negotiating The Context Of The Whole
10. Biblical Criticism And Christian Theology: A Few Examples
Conclusions: Biblical Criticism And Christian Institutions

Additional Info
In their studies, students at conservative colleges and seminaries are introduced to the methods and conclusions of critical biblical scholarship. These conclusions often produce a disconcerting challenge to the faith students came to explore. A few embrace the skeptical stance, resulting in a “secular” response. Many display a “traditional” response, rejecting biblical criticism as a threat to biblical authority and a faulty result of Enlightenment thinking. Between these two poles, is there a third way? Can evangelical students and scholars incorporate the insights of biblical criticism and at the same time maintain a high view of Scripture and a vital faith?
Kenton Sparks has wrestled with these questions as a student, pastor, and scholar. In God’s Word in Human Words, he argues that the insights from historical and biblical criticism can indeed be valuable to evangelicals and may even yield a new set of solutions to seemingly intractable problems in biblical studies while avoiding pat answers. This constructive response to biblical criticism includes taking seriously both the divine and the human aspects of the Bible and acknowledging the diversity that exists in the biblical texts. The discussion is substantive, thorough, and even controversial, as the author offers up challenges to the evangelical status quo.


SKU (ISBN): 9780801027017
ISBN10: 0801027012
Kenton Sparks
Binding: Trade Paper
Published: March 2008
Publisher: Baker Academic

Print On Demand Product


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