Evangelio De Marcos – (Spanish)


France contempla la estructura del Evangelio de Marcos como un verdadero “drama en tres actos”. El primer acto trata acerca del ministerio publico de Jesus en Galilea. El segundo abarca el viaje de Jesus a Jerusalen con sus discipulos. El tercero gira en torno a su ministerio en Jerusalen e incluye su enfrentamiento con los lideres judios, su discurso sobre el futuro, y su pasion, muerte y resurreccion. France expone detalladamente los dos temas centrales de esta poderosa narracion de la vida de Jesus -la naturaleza de Cristo y el papel del discipulado. Con el respaldo de una cuidadosa argumentacion e impresionante por su adaptabilidad a la estructura de Marcos, al contexto y al uso del Antiguo Testamento, el estudio de France sobre el segundo Evangelio no tiene comparacion.

France sees the structure of Mark’s Gospel as an effective “drama in three acts.” Act 1 takes up Jesus’ public ministry in Galilee. Act 2 covers Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem with his disciples. Act 3 focuses on Jesus’ public ministry in Jerusalem, including his confrontation with the Jewish leaders, his explanatory discourse on the future, and his passion, death, and resurrection. France carefully unpacks for modern readers the two central themes of this powerful narrative of Jesus’ life — the nature of Christ and the role of discipleship.
Supported by careful argumentation and impressive in its sensitivity to Mark’s structure, context, and use of the Old Testament, France’s study of the second Gospel is without peer.

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SKU (ISBN): 9781943840168
ISBN10: 1943840164
Language: Spanish
R. T. France
Binding: Cloth Text
Published: July 2021
New International Greek Testament Commentary
Publisher: Editorial Portavoz


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