Concise History Of The Jewish People


Part I: Biblical Period, 1600-538 B.C.E.

Abraham And The Patriarchs


The Ten Commandments And The Revelation At Sinai

The Hebrew Bible

Archaeology And The Bible

Saul And The Establishment Of The Kingdom

King David

Solomon And The First Temple

The Divided Kingdom

Amos And Hosea

Isaiah And Hezekiah

The Fall Of Jerusalem


The Babylonian Exile And The Return

Ezra And Nehemiah

Part II: Second Temple Period, 538 B.C.E.-70 C.E.


Judah Maccabee

The Hasmoenan State

Herod The Great

The Pharisees And Sadducees And Hillel And Shammai

The Diaspora During The Roman Empire


Peter, Paul, And Early Christianity

The Dead Sea Scrolls

The Jewish War (66-70 C.E.)

The Destruction Of The Temple

The Fall Of Masada

Part III: Rabbinic Period, 70-600 C.E.

Yohanan Ben Zakkai And The Sanhedrin At Yavneh

Bar Kokhba

Rabbi Judah The Prince And The Redaction Of The Mishnah

Constantine And Christianity

The Jews Of Babylon

The Jerusalem And Babylonian Talmuds

Part IV: Medieval Period, 600-1450


The Karaites

The Jews In The Muslim World Before 1400

The Jews Of Italy

The Jews Of Spain

A 12th-Century Zionist: Judah HaLevi

The Legacy Of Maimonides

Nahamides And The 1263 Disputation

The Bible Of The Jewish Mystics: The Zohar

The Jews Of England: Massacre And Expulsion


The Inquisition And Expulsion From Spain

The Marranos

The Jews Of Medieval Germany

Part V: Transition To Modern Times, 1450-1750

Hebrew Printing

Martin Luther And The Jews

The Jews Of Amsterdam

Isaac Abrabanel

The Jews Of Venice And The First Ghetto

Kabbalists At Safed

Joseph Caro And The Shulhan Arukh

The Excommunication Of Spinoza

Jews Arrive In The New World

The Chmielnicki Massacres

The Shabbetai Zevi Affair

The Development Of Hasidism

Part VI: Early Modern Times, 1750-1917

Moses Mendelssohn And The Jewish Enlightenment


Religious Responses To Modern Challenges

The Pale Of Settlement

The House Of Rothschild

Sir Moses Montefiore And 19th-Century Jewish History

Early Zionist Voices

Modern Antisemitism

The Pogroms Of 1881

The Beginnings Of Aliyah

The Dreyfus Affair

Theodor H

Additional Info
This book describes the most important events and people in Jewish history from Abraham to the present day, in a very concise, accessible way. These “read-bites” include up-to-date essays discussing the impact of 9-11; the Iraq War, Muslim Fundamentalism, and rise of European anti-Semitism on the Jewish People


SKU (ISBN): 9780742543669
ISBN10: 0742543668
Naomi Pasachoff | Robert Littman
Binding: Trade Paper
Published: January 2004
Publisher: Sheed & Ward

Print On Demand Product


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