Chicas Sabias En Un Mundo Salv – (Spanish)


Inundadas por la cultura popular, muchas mujeres han perdido su rumbo y ya no confian en esa brujula interna que instintivamente afirma lo que es bueno, verdadero y honorable acerca de la femineidad. Asi como la parabola fue la tactica de ensenanza favorita y mas poderosa de Jesus, Mary Kassian lleva a las lectoras a traves del fascinante relato entre la chica salvaje y la sabia de Proverbios 7. Utilizando 20 puntos de contraste, ella les ayuda a discernir entre lo salvaje y lo sabio, lo picaro y lo biblicamente perspicaz y mas.

Inundated by popular culture, many women have lost their bearings and no longer trust the internal compass that intuitively affirms those things that are good, true, and noble about womanhood. As Jesus’ favorite and most powerful teaching tactic was the parable, it is appropriate that Mary Kassian walks the reader through the compelling tale of the wild versus wise woman found in Proverbs 7.

By using 20 points of contrast, she helps readers discern wild from wise, saucy from biblically savvy, and more.

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SKU (ISBN): 9780825457203
ISBN10: 0825457203
Language: Spanish
Mary Kassian
Binding: Trade Paper
Published: January 2017
Publisher: Editorial Portavoz


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