Celebrate With Sprinkles


Let the Confetti Fly!

Take the ordinary into the extraordinary with all-out celebrations that put the pizzazz in any party!

Far beyond birthdays, certified celebrator Brittany Young will show you how to make every day a special occasion and bring fun and joy into your home. Whether you’re looking for entire themes or that one amazing, icing-on-the-cake idea to push your next get-together over the top, you’ll find it here.

You’ll also discover easy DIY party crafts, gifts, and tablescapes, delicious, “halfway homemade” recipes, and plenty of holiday inspiration throughout the year.

You don’t have to be party planner extraordinaire (but you will be after reading this book) or spend a lot of money to show loved ones they are special. You just need some creativity, inspiration, and of course, lots of sprinkles!

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SKU (ISBN): 9780736979030
ISBN10: 0736979034
Brittany Young
Binding: Cloth Text
Published: September 2020
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers


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