Cambia Tu Iglesia Para Bien – (Spanish)


Every week, more and more people walk away from the church-not because they don’t believe but because church has become irrelevant to their lives. Not God but church. In Change Your Church for Good, Pastor Brad Powell rekindles hope for the future. He provides essential tools to shake up a stagnant body of believers and infuse it with love, outreach, cultural relevance, and a renewed relationship with God. Drawing on first-hand experience with the church at NorthRidge, where has served as Senior Pastor since 1990, Brad relays the trials and ultimately the triumph of restoring life and joy to a church that was dying. If you are a leader seeking a blueprint for change-or a member praying for a miracle-this living example can serve as a springboard for your church. Transitioning NorthRidge Church into a thriving congregation, recently named the Midwest’s “Fastest Growing Church” and “One of the Top 50 Most Influential Churches,” was hard work but eternally worth it. Though once irrelevant and dying, this church is now reaching thousands of people for Christ and providing the hope of renewal to churches around the world. All believers can take the challenge to get the church working right. When we do, the church will become what we long for and what God has always intender her to be . . . “the hope of the world.”

Cada semana mas y mas personas se alejan de la iglesia,no porque no crean sino porque la iglesia se ha vuelto irrelevante para susvidas. No Dios, la iglesia.En 1990, Brad Powell se unio a laIglesia NorthRidge como pastor, una congregacion sin entusiasmoluchando por ser relevante para Cristo. Ahora considerada una de “las iglesiasde mas rapido crecimiento” en los estados del medio oeste y “una de las 50iglesias mas influyentes”. El pastor Powell restauro la iglesia en unacomunidad prospera infundiendola de amor, de alcance, relevancia cultural y unarelacion renovada con Dios. Cambia tu iglesia para bien suministra a los pastores yotros lideres, mediante experiencias personales directas yanecdotas, los recursos esenciales para que la alegria y la vida seanrestauradas en una iglesia que esta muriendose.Si eres un lider buscandodireccion para el cambio, o un miembro orando por un milagro, este ejemploviviente puede servirte de punto de partida para tu iglesia.

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SKU (ISBN): 9781602554245
ISBN10: 1602554242
Language: Spanish
Brad Powell
Binding: Trade Paper
Published: November 2010
Publisher: Groupo Nelson

Print On Demand Product


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